
Current Players for Rush-Henrietta


Isabella Artessa2026M14
Taylee Bernarduci2025M1Albany
Riley Brown2026A20
Emma Bumbarger2025A23
Julia Carter2025D2
Emma DeWald2027M16
Kate DeWald2026A10
Danielle Garrett2025A22Youngstown State
Beren Gul2026M8
Makayla Hoang2025D12
Sofie Kiselgof2025D15
Paige Maddaleno2026M9
Angelia Oechsle2024G25Cornell
Taylor Potwin2026G5
Danielle Raymond2025M18Slippery Rock
Ashlyn Roberts2024M3Connecticut
Catrina Rowe2024M4Albany
Briea Schlindwein2025M11

An asterisk (*) indicates there is no link to the college roster. For players who were recently graduated, it may mean that they are planning to play at the school but have not yet made the team roster. Also note, that in some cases, a recent graduate who made plans to attend a specific school changes his mind and does not go to the school. Information on requesting updates or changes is available from a link on the player's individual page.

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