  Wed - Mar 27, 2019 - 5:30 PM
1st 2nd OT Final
     Record: 2-0
10 1   11
     Record: 0-1
3 2   5

The book for Brighton: Katie Lederman (1g5a), Meghan Marangola (1g), Delaney McManus (3g1a), Susan Lafountain (5g), Annie Perillo (1g), Jamie McPherson (1a), Goaltending: Charlotte Sadler 10s/5ga = 71% (50 mins).

The book for Pal-Mac: Alea Javorowsky (1g), Andra Savage (1g1a), Jamie Walker (3g1a), Emma Arnold (1a), Goaltending: Heather Weaver 11s/10ga = 52% (50 mins).


Brighton Defeats Pal-Mac

- Brighton scored the first three goals and eight of the first ten in their 11-5 win over Pal-Mac.  The Barons were dominate on offense and strong on defense during the entire 50 minute contest.  Brighton Defenseman Eileen Kelly was a standout force on the field.  She recorded 5 caused turnovers including a pair of single pressure takes with just her vs. the Pal-Mac ball carrier.  She was joined by Hayley Zielinski, Piper Davis and Brogan Holbrough to keep the Pal-Mac offensive from being able to turn up the pressure.

Brighton was also dominate at the draw circle.  Piper Davis took all 18 draws and although she only recorded a single DC, she often controlled the location of the all and helped Katie Lederman to come away with 9 DCs.  Offensively, Brighton looked to Delaney McManus (3g-1a), Lederman (1g-3a) and Susan Lafountain (5g) to keep their offensive moving.  Brighton scored off fixed plays/passes as well as single player dodges along the goal line.  Overall, the Baron team looked confident and strong on both offensive and defense.

Pal-Mac had most of their scoring come from Jamie Walker (3g-1a).  Walker was present in 4 out of 5 goals with the lone scoring coming off an 8m free position goal by Alea Javorowsky.  Emma Arnold was a strong presence on the field with a recorded 6 ground balls and 7 caused turnovers.  Overall, the Red Raider offense looked pressured by Brighton; however, there were multiple points of brilliance as they looked for inside feeds and strong single player dodges to the goal.  The Red Raiders will be a definite force to be reckoned with this season.

McManus scored the opening two goals for Brighton with single drives along the right side of the cage.  She then assisted the third goal from the back right side to Lafountain cutting towards the crease.  Lafountain scored five of six straight goals for the Barons with four of them coming off assists from Lederman.  Trailing 3-0, Pal-Mac fought back with two goals of their own.  The first was an inside feed from Walker to Andra Savage and the second was an 8m goal from Walker.  Brighton led 3-2 with 16:33 remaining in the first half.

Brighton then went on Lafountain's scoring streak.  They scored five straight (four by Lafountain and one by McManus).  They increased their led to 8-2 with 5:51 remaining.  The scoring slowed down significantly at that point.  Pal-Mac's third goal was another inside feed, this time from Savage to Walker.  Brighton scored the last two goals with Megan Marangola and Annie Perillo scoring.

In the second half, Javorowsky scored her 8m goal and Walker scored off a loose ball on crease.  Sadler made a strong save off a driving shot by Arnold before Walker scooped up the loose ball and finished on the second effort.  The lone Baron goal of the second half was scored with a single player drive by Lederman.

In the cage for Brighton, Charlotte Sadler recorded 6 saves.  The Barons will face Baldwinsville on Friday. For Pal-Mac, Heather Weaver recorded 11 saves.  The Red Raiders will face Livonia on Friday.