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Brighton, Churchville-Chili and Penn Yan Win

DAY IN REVIEW: TUESDAY - With only two days left in the regular season and things winding down there were three games played today. Brighton won a 9-7 contest over Canandaigua, Penn Yan won their game against Schroeder and Churchville-Chili was the winner against Mynderse-Romulus.

Schroeder vs Penn YanCANANDAIGUA-6 at BRIGHTON-9 - For the Bruins, who continue to battle following a slow start to their season, it was their third victory in their last four games.  Riley Lawrence had three goals and Ella Brunette added two more to pace the attack for Brighton (7-8).  There were no statistics reported from Canandaigua (13-2) at post time.   Each team concludes its regular season on Thursday, with the Bruins visiting Mercy and the Gray Wolves traveling to Churchville-Chili to take on the Saints.         [ BOX SCORE

CHURCHVILLE-CHILI-13 at MYNDERSE-ROMULUS-3 -  With the win, the Saints evened their season record at 7-7.  Alexi Finnigan led Schroeder vs Penn Yan Churchville-Chili with four goals, one assist, and eight draw controls.  Rorey Turk, Mackenzie Marsh, and Shavonne Callahan each had two goals for Churchville-Chili, and Mikayla Mellenthine recorded six saves.  Amelia Reese, Chelsea Korzeniewski, and Macey Seneca were the goal scorers for Mynderse-Romulus (8-7).   The Saints are home to Canandaigua on Thursday.  The Blue Devils host Gananda-Marion on Wednesday.       [ BOX SCORE

SCHROEDER-3 at PENN YAN-15 -  Leading the scoring for Penn Yan (12-3) were Corinne Barden (4g), Bailey Cooper (4g), Maihue Miranda-Wiltberger (2g/1a), Miley Andersen (2g), and ninth-grader Makenna Mullins (2g).  The Mustangs play host to HF-L on Thursday.  Lindsay Ruffalo had two goals for the Warriors, who completed their regular season with a mark of 7-8.        [ BOX SCORE

   on 09-17-2024
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