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[ The are curently 677 stories available in the GLaxFive Database. ]

JAN    FEB    MAR    APR    MAY    JUN    JUL    AUG    SEP    OCT    NOV    DEC

Coaching Spot at OLM

We have been made aware of the following coaching opening. This page will be updated with any more requests that are sent to us.e have been made aware of the following coaching opening. This page will be updated with any more requests that are sent to us. Full Story

Fall Youth Session at HF-L

Over 150 K-2 graders experienced a beautiful fall Saturday as they began to learn the basics of lacrosse as a part of the HF-L Youth Lacrosse program. Following youth camp COVID protocols, the boys and girls, under the direction of volunteer adults, high school players and coaches, traveled as a group from one drill area to another. They worked on passing and catching, shooting, stick positions and ground balls with a great deal of encouragement and with "fun" the central elementver 150 K-2 graders experienced a beautiful fall Saturday as they began to learn the basics of lacrosse as a part of the HF-L Youth Lacrosse program. Following youth camp COVID protocols, the boys and girls, under the direction of volunteer adults, high school players and coaches, traveled as a group from one drill area to another. They worked on passing and catching, shooting, stick positions and ground balls with a great deal of encouragement and with "fun" the central element. Full Story

Two Named UA-All-Americans

The annual Under Armour All-America Senior games were cancelled last spring, but the organizers recently published the list of players who would have been invited if there had been a 2020 spring season. 

Full Story

Saturday Canandaigua and Victor Win

In the last two semifinal games, Victor and Canandaigua will move on the the Championship roundn the last two semifinal games, Victor and Canandaigua will move on the the Championship round. Full Story

Thursday - Pittsford and Mercy Win

Mercy defeated Aquinas 14-10 an Pittsford had a shutout with Hiltonercy defeated Aquinas 14-10 an Pittsford had a shutout with Hilton. Full Story

COVID-19 as it relates to 2020 Season

With all Section Five schools closing, there is limited information available about what happens next.  Section V released the statement below and we will keep you updated when we hear more.  For the time being we are not updating the schedules until we have more information. 

Section V released the following statement:

"Due to the unprecedented events as a result of the coronavirus many local county health departments have recommend school closings. This obviously puts a pause on the spring sports season. We will continue to communicate with our members schools, sport coordinators as well as NYSPHSAA leadership. We will remain positive and optimistic, while focusing on the health and safety of all involved."
Section V released the following statement:

"Due to the unprecedented events as a result of the coronavirus many local county health departments have recommend school closings. This obviously puts a pause on the spring sports season. We will continue to communicate with our members schools, sport coordinators as well as NYSPHSAA leadership. We will remain positive and optimistic, while focusing on the health and safety of all involved." Full Story

Officials Training for the Women`s Game

The Rochester Women's Lacrosse Officials orgianization has a training session set for new officials that starts next week. Information on the program can be found on their New Officials page. he Rochester Women's Lacrosse Officials orgianization has a training session set for new officials that starts next week. Information on the program can be found on their New Officials pageFull Story


