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Saturday Canandaigua and Victor Win

In the last two semifinal games, Victor and Canandaigua will move on the the Championship round.

VICTOR 15 - BRIGHTON 2  - SEMI - There were no reports from either team at post time.  Victor moves on to the finals where they wil play against Canandaigua.      [BOXSCORE]

CANANDAIGUA 15 - IRONDEQUOIT 10  - SEMI - Abbey Herod had 4g-2a and Liv Schorr had 4g and 6 DCs as Canandaigua took a 5-2 halftime lead to victory in their Class B semifinal game. There was no report from Irondequoit (10-8) at post time. CA will play Victor on Wednesday.        [BOXSCORE]

   on 01-02-2025
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