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A New Site for the Girls of Section Five

Girls Lacrosse in NYS Section FiveBased on the popular boys site, SportsFive.NET, this new site for girls' lacrosse will contain, over time, much of the same information. Beyond the schedules and results, other popular areas will include rosters, statistics and player profiles. Much of this information is in the formative stages and will be dependent of the willingness of coaches, parents, players and fans to submit the various types of information.

Various volunteer positions will help to move the data along. Each team will be looking for "team reporters" who will be trained to submit stats, and other information on game days and perhaps schedule and roster changes as they occur during the season.

At this time, many of the Head Coaches have turned in information about their teams and those team pages have been updated. Results from previous years and tournament data going back about ten years is on-line. Sectionals and New York State brackets go back to 2006 are available.

By the end of January, it is expected that the new 2016 scheduled will be entered. By the start of games, rosters for each team will be on-line. Throughout the year, information of interest will be posted. Over time, it is expected that the site will, like the boys' site, be the definitive source of information for girls' lacrosse in New York State Section Five.

If you want to contact us, send your question, correction, update or just nice comments to

   on 01-04-2025
The Information presented on this page has been submitted by a team coach, a team reporter or a SportsFive reporter. If there are errors or missing data, please contact the team's Head Coach.