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End of Week #2

There were only 13 matches played in Week #2.  This week was Break Week for schools, so not a lot of game were scheduled to start with; then weather took a toll and a number of games were cancelled/postponed.  The closest match-up was Baldwinsville over Penfield in overtime 7-6.

This coming week, there are nearly three times the games.  There are 37 matches scheduled over the next seven days.

Sectional Seeding Information:

The seeding table and information will begin after Week #3

Game Week Summary:

Tuesday: First Night of Break Week
Wednesday: Two More Games for Break Week
Thursday: Thursday Night Games
Friday: Single Game on Friday
Saturday: Last Day of Break Week

   on 01-04-2025
The Information presented on this page has been submitted by a team coach, a team reporter or a SportsFive reporter. If there are errors or missing data, please contact the team's Head Coach.