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End of Week #8

RLT vs. IQThere were 31 matches played in Week #8.  There were four overtime games all in the same night.  Geneva defeated C-C 13-12 (HERE), R-H defeated Brighton 9-8 (HERE), Fairport defeated Canandaigua 10-9 (HERE) and Penfield defeated HFL (HERE).

Sectional Seeding Information:

Sectional Seeding - FINAL

Make sure to read the New Sectional Seeding for 2017 article for specifics on the changes to seeding as of last season. 

Game Week Summary:

Monday: First Night for the Last Week of Regular Season
Tuesday: Tuesday Night Has Three Games
Wednesday: Four Overtime Games on Wednesday
Thursday: Final Day of 2018 Regular Season

   on 01-02-2025
The Information presented on this page has been submitted by a team coach, a team reporter or a SportsFive reporter. If there are errors or missing data, please contact the team's Head Coach.